Part#: HARN-0025
Want to add an accessory to our SxS but have no clue how to do it?
Use our Plug-n-Play Lite Duty Switch Harness!
This installs in line with the ACC circuit to provide key-ed power to your accessory of choice. Kit comes with a 6-inch pigtail and connectors to easily connect your accessory. Due to the limitations of the ACC circuit, we recommend keeping the load at 5 amps. This can handle a set of cubes, 20-inch light bars, dome lights, whips, rock lights, small radios, and more.
The harness is 100% plug-and-play by connecting to the CIG socket behind the firewall where it collects power and ground.
A Rocker Switch is NOT included. We recommend picking one of our Carling Rocker Switches to complete the installation here.
Choose one of our 5 pin SPST Carling brand switches
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